Maximize Your Patio Space

If you have a small patio here are some ideas to improve your space and make the most of it. Start by cleaning it up and getting rid of extra materials, supplies and things you may have been storing there. Though a small patio probably mean you don't have a large garden, by placing trees and potted plants it's easy to make it a green, fresh space. Place smaller plants in front of taller ones to create a sense of depth. Considering having your seating arrangement serve double duty, a poured concrete bench can be kept hollow to function as a cooler and that's also a seat when the cover goes down, it also makes a nice appetizer table.
This three in one element is very useful and can be modified to meet your needs, it's even possible to put a small fire pit inside it. Soften up the wooden and cement furniture with colorful pillows and throws. By leaving a small bit of ground between the patio floor and the seats/planters, you can plant some low, small plants for added color. Water is also a pleasant, and handy, addition to your patio, so consider installing a simple fountain.

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