News about Home & Garden

Prepare Dinner in Record Time

After a long day at work, it pays to have a stocked pantry. So don't stress when the kids are asking, "what's for dinner?" Here's how to make the most of your pantry ingredients while making health a priority. Here's what can work. Instead of pulling out a box of prepared mac-n-cheese, you'll be happy to find out makin… read more

How to Use the Color Purple in a Garden

The color purple should not be underestimated when designing your garden. It can add a touch of coolness to otherwise warm tones like red and yellow, plus it evokes passion and is also symbolic of royalty. Purple plays well with other colors, which is not always the case in a garden. It's recommended to use with pink a… read more

Brighten Your Home With Potted Plants

Do you have a pesky concrete slab in front of your house or maybe you don't have outdoor space to put in a garden. In this case, the best solution to add color, light and cheer to your home is potted plants. They add interest and beauty to a space and there are no limits regarding your creativity, use of color or which… read more

A Clean Home Without Toxic Products

Your home can be spic and span without the use of any hazardous chemicals. It's true, you can have sterile kitchen counters and freshly scented laundry without using bleach, irritating and overly-perfumed soaps and heavy-duty cleansers. What are the alternatives you ask? To begin with, some of the most powerful disinfe… read more

Organic Tomatoes For Better Health

The humble tomato has recently been recognized for its quality to reduce the risk or cardiovascular disease and tumours. This is especially true for organic tomatoes, who have a micro-fungus that is very beneficial, much like that found in the human intestine. Tomatoes contain: Ascorbic acid, vitamin E, antioxidants an… read more